Back on the Rock: Passing through the Cayman Islands


Walking to Work, LeAnn Marie 2015

Several months ago I announced that I was moving back to my favorite island in the Caribbean, Grand Cayman! And then I was gone. No posts, no goodbye.

Beach Selfie, 2015

Beach Selfie, 2015

Were you worried that I had been eaten by a shark? Did I get killed by a stingray like Steve Irwin? Or did I suffer from the lack on reliable internet and exhaustion of having an active job again? You guessed it! So lame.

Since I’ve been back on the rock, life has been awesome! I’ve spent time catching up with friends that I hadn’t seen in years, diving every chance I get, and making friends with some very interesting sea creatures!

Coming soon,Stingray City and Turtle Farm!

Back at Rackams for sunset beers!

Back at Rackams for sunset beers!